Eighteen high school students from around the North Shore were named among 300 semifinalists Tuesday in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search, a national competition that awards more than $1.6 million in research awards.
The students, from the Great Neck, Herricks, Manhasset, Mineola, Roslyn, Sewanhaka and East Williston school districts, received a $1,000 award for reaching the semifinal round. An additional $1,000 endowment will go to each student’s high school.
Four students from Great Neck and Roslyn were named semifinalists for their projects, which are typically conducted through a district’s research department and an outside facility.
The annual contest began more than 70 years ago. Past winners include eight Nobel Laureates, five National Medals of Science winners, two Fields medalists and 12 MacArthur Foundation fellows.
Justin Rattner, the president of the Intel Foundation, said in a statement that semifinalists “exhibit the kind of passion, intellectual curiosity and ingenuity that energizes companies like ours.”
On Jan. 21, Intel will name the 40 semifinalists who have advanced as finalists and attend a competition in Washington, D.C. from March 5-11 where they will compete for three medals of distinction awards of $150,000, three $75,000 second-place awards and three $35,000 third-place awards. All finalists receive at least $7,500.
Winners would then attend a black-tie gala at the National Building Museum on March 10.
Here is a list of the North Shore’s semifinalists.
East Williston: Kuan Yu, 17; Arjun Kapoor, 17
Great Neck: Monica Beefman, 18, Great Neck North High School; Jessy Lin, 17, Great Neck North; Robin Jang, 17, Great Neck South High School; Jay Zussman, 17, Great Neck South
Herricks: Abinhav Talwar, 17; Jim Tse, 17
Manhasset: Emma Ying Dong, 17; Jessica Kim, 17; Typher Yom, 17
Mineola: Monika Dharia, 17; Charlotte Ring, 17
Roslyn: David Michael Jaslow, 17; Rachel Lauren Mintz, 17; Jordan Rosen, 17; Tiffany Sun, 17
Sewanhaka: Harold Ekeh, 17