E.W.S.D. budget meetings continue

E.W.S.D. budget meetings continue

Upcoming Budget Meetings

Additional budget meetings are scheduled for:

•Wednesday, March 25 – 7:30 p.m. – Budget Workshop #5 – Budget Deliberations – in Room 450 at Wheatley

•Monday, March 30 – 7:30 p.m. – Final Budget Deliberations and Special Meeting for the purpose of Adoption of Budget & Property Tax Card – in Wheatley Room 450 

•Monday, May 11 – 7:30 p.m. – Public Budget Hearing – in the Wheatley Auditorium

Updates from New York State

Earlier this week I attended the Winter Conference of the New York State Council of School Superintendents. 

In addition to many informative presentations on teaching and learning offered by a variety of presenters, superintendents also received updates from the New York State Education Department and Chancellor of the state Board of Regents Dr. Merryl Tisch.  

In addition to the new English as a New Language (formerly ESL) requirements, information was shared on the proposed flexible pathways to graduation starting from the year 2022 when the Common Core Standards are expected to be fully implemented and assessed.  

A pathway includes the possibility of participation in an AP class or college level course replacing the proficiency requirements of the Regents exam.  We expect more details to follow from the Department of Education. 

Upcoming New York State Testing 

If you have not received information already, you will soon be receiving the schedule for the Grade 3-8 ELA and Math annual state assessments from your building principal.  

As part of the Regents’ revised implementation schedule, this year, like last, students who meet partial proficiency (a score of 2) will not be deemed to have failed, but to have demonstrated a performance level, which although not fully meeting the standard, indicates progress towards it.  

Along with all New York State districts we continue in the process of developing and implementing Common Core learning. 

The results of these assessments, along with multiple other measures, including our students’ authentic work products, continue to provide us with a measure of how we in the District are progressing toward articulated implementation of the new standards.   

As always, we also use the results of these assessments in conjunction with these multiple other measures, to help us understand individual student learning needs for support and/or challenge.   

The New SAT Is Coming In 2016

I co-chair the Nassau County Council of School Superintendents’ Curriculum Committee. This past week our committee hosted representatives from the College Board here at Wheatley. 

They presented an overview of the new PSAT and SAT to our superintendent-members and other Nassau County school district administrators, guidance personnel and other staff.   The first administration of the new PSAT will take place in the next school year, in October, 2015 and the new SAT will first be administered in March, 2016.

The new SAT will return to the 1600 point scale, with math and reading sections scored between 200 and 800 with the optional essay evaluated separately.  I’ve highlighted some of the exam elements below.

The English portion will focus on relevant words in context and engage students in close reading passages in which students will be asked to interpret the meaning of words based on the context of the passage they read, rather than memorization of obscure words. 

The exam will require students to demonstrate command of evidence in their reading and writing.  The essay question will now be designed so that students analyze “a provided source text to determine how the author builds an argument to persuade an audience through the use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive devices.” 

The math portion focuses on three essential areas:  problem solving and data analysis; the heart of algebra; and passport to advanced math. 

Throughout the exam, students will be asked questions that are grounded in the real world.  

In both the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section as well as in the Math Section, students will be engaging in reading, writing and math activities applied to topic areas such as the humanities, history, social science  and science.   

The new SAT is closely aligned with the new Common Core Standards, so students should be able to directly see and apply a connection to what they are actually learning and mastering in the classroom to this exam.

For more details on the new PSAT and SAT go to the link below.       


The Wheatley Guidance Department will be scheduling a new parent information session later on in the year regarding the new SAT. 

Budget Update

On Wednesday, March 11, the third of the Budget Workshops was held.


Shari Senzer, Director of Pupil Personnel Services presented the Special Education, Reading and English as a New Language Program Budgets.  

The budget continues the support of all present special education services and programs that include direct/indirect consultant teacher, resource room, integrated co-teaching classes in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 with a daily support class, special class by subject area, adapted physical education and the Life Skills program at Wheatley.  

The budget also supports consultancy which is a general education support service for students needing organizational and study skills support, STEPPS/Connections Clubs which provide recreational and academic support for students with disabilities with severe needs with peer mentors and the Summer Extended Year for the Life Skills program and the Summer Extended Year Academic Support and related services program for targeted students. 

In all three buildings, increased small group academic intervention and frequent progress monitoring are supported, as well as the purchase of assistive technology for reading and writing.   

An additional 1.6 English as a New Language teachers are being added to the budget to support new state requirements and further support our students.

Athletic Program

Tom Fitzpatrick, director of physical education, athletics, health and medical services highlighted the many accomplishments of our athletic teams this year that included many championships and scholar- athlete designations.  

The recommended 2015-16 budget supports the continuation and full funding of our current athletic programs.  

During the past year, 73 percent of our 7-12 students have participated in our athletic program!  


David Casamento, director of science and technology, presented the new upgrades in the recommended 2014-15 budget that continue to provide our students with the opportunity to remain current in developing 21st century skills.   

Some of the 2015-16 budget highlights include the purchase of 25 new Chromebooks and cart at North Side and 50 new Chromebooks plus carts at Willets Road.    

Willets Road will receive 100 classroom desktop PC’s as well as 50 replacement classroom desktop PC’s to Wheatley.  The 1:1 initiative continues with students in grades 6-9 having one to one devices, iPads in grade 6 and 7 and Chromebooks in grades 8 and 9.  

Next year’s recommended budget also includes continued staff develop.m.ent support in integrating technology into the classroom program.  Mr. Casamento also outlined how the budget supports technology infrastructure needs and security upgrades.

A great opportunity to see our technology in action took place at the district-wide technology fair before the budget workshop.  I look forward to sharing this information with you in my next newsletter.

For the full Power Point budget presentations go to the district website at www.ewsdonline.org and go to 15-16 Budget Info  on the left side navigation bar.

 Budget Vote and Registration

To vote in the school district budget vote and board candidate vote on May 19, you must be a citizen of the United States, 18 years of age, a resident of the East Williston School District for a period of 30 days preceding the election and registered to vote with the school district or appear on a Nassau County Voter’s Registration List.

Only residents, who have not registered or voted in a school district election or a general election in the last four years, must register.

To register, you may do so through May 8 at the Nassau County Board of Elections at 240 Old Country Road, 5th Floor in Mineola, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. daily (see website Nassau County Board of Elections).  You may also register to vote for the school district vote, in person on May 7, 2015 between 8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon or on May 12, 2015 between 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the lobby of The Wheatley School, 11 Bacon Road, Old Westbury.  

For additional information, go to the district website at www.ewsdonline.org and go to Voter Registration/Absentee Ballot Info on the left side navigation bar.

Multicultural Steering Committee

Our multicultural steering committee met last week and continues its planning for our Educational Advisory Committee Multicultural Festival to take place on Saturday, May 30 for all our K-12 students and their families.

This week I am reaching out to you regarding the following request:

Next week, parents of North Side and Willets Road students will be receiving a brief online survey regarding your family’s cultural background.  

Please take a few minutes to fill it out. (Wheatley students will be filling the survey out themselves in school). We are most eager to plant a flag on our website and in our buildings of all the cultural groups our richly diverse community represents.   

Professional Develop.m.ent at Willets Road 

This week at the Willets Road’s faculty meeting, literacy staff developer JoEllen McCarthy, spoke to our staff.  Ms. McCarthy is a frequent presenter at regional and national conferences, including NCTE, Literacy for All, ASCD, and NYSRA. 

Her Willets Road presentation focused on the numerous online resources available to teachers to help them become “book ambassadors” for their students.  

Ms. McCarthy shared a quote by the author Donalyn Miller – “children read what we bless,” explaining that if we are passionate and excited about particular books, that excitement will transfer to our children.  

She shared many of the latest and greatest young adult books for the staff to bring back to the classroom.  She talked about the power of language and how we need to celebrate literacy as both parents and teachers. She explained that a simple change in language – telling our children that “they get to read” instead of “they have to read” – makes a difference.

Useful websites for parents that she suggested are all valuable in helping guide book choices for our children.  Some examples are:




On Their Way To Cooperstown – Regional National History Day Competition 

The Long Island Regional National History Day Competition took place on Sunday, March 8 at Hofstra University.  

Congratulations to our Wheatley and Willets Road competitors, 66 students strong.  Students had the option of participating in the following categories: paper, website, documentary, exhibit and performance.  

The top three projects in each category qualified for the New York State National History Day finals. The following students qualified to move on to the State competition on April 27 which will be held in Cooperstown:

•Junior Group Website (Willets Road) –  Maggie Caroddo and Rebecca Zeltsman – 1st place – “Harriet Tubman: Escaping Slavery through Secrecy”

•Junior Group Documentary (Willets Road) – Alex Horowitz  and Ilana Nimkoff – 3rd place – “Ruby Bridges & Her Impact on Modern School Integration”

•Junior Individual Website (Willets Road) – Ashley Vincenzo – 3rd place – “Jonas Salk and the Vaccine that Changed the World”

•Junior Individual Documentary (Wheatley) – Sofia Greenfield – 3rd place – “Berry Gordy & Motown”

•Senior Historical Paper – Krista Chen – 2nd place – “Henry Dunant: A Step Towards Humanitarian Society”

•Senior Historical Paper – Joy Bestourous – 3rd place –  “Hassan al-Banna: The Father of Fundamentalism”

•Senior Group Documentary – Nikki Koch, Alana Osroff, Gabriella Santoli and Cindy Zhou – 3rd place – “Charles Davenport and the History of Eugenics”

•Senior Individual Performance – Jordan Pollack – 2nd place – “Alvin Ailey: The Leader Who Danced Through History”

•Senior Group Performance  – Morgan Misk, Daniel Singh and Jaclyn Stroud – 3rd place –  “Rodgers & Hammerstein: The Men Behind the American Musical”

Although not competing in Cooperstown, the following students received special awards at the Competition:

•Presidential History Award, sponsored by Sagamore Hill National Historic Site (Wheatley) – Karan Amin and Vedant Singh – “Harry S. Truman and the Atomic Bomb”

•Irish-American History Award Sponsored by the Ancient Order of the Hibernians (Wheatley) – Jessica Chu,  Erica Kim, Lavanya Reddy and Jordan Shaked – “Bringing Light to the Slums”

Thank you to the entire faculty who contributed to the success of our students. Congratulations to Dr. John Staudt, one of the organizers of the Long Island Competition and Andrew Ardito, JoBeth Roberts and Joseph Crotty, competition judges. 

Thank you as well to Dr. Danielle Gately, Dr. Joe Coladonato, Patrick Shanahan and Diane Ilkiw who, along with working with our students throughout this process, helped out on Sunday at the competition.  Thanks to Audra Beberman and Jerry Pokrywka for their help as well.

Puttin’ on the Ritz – A Big Band Night – Date Change

Wheatley’s Tri-M (music honor society) presents its annual “Puttin’ on the Ritz – A Big Band Night” on Friday, April 17. 

Mark your calendar; this is a change from the printed calendar that was mailed to you at the end of the summer.  If you are a senior citizen in the school district community or an empty nester, or can pass on the word to your neighbors, enjoy an evening of music, dinner and dance.  

Wheatley’s Jazz Band will be featured, while members of Tri-M will serve you dinner.  Seating is limited and you must RSVP to Angela Luftig, Wheatley’s Tri-M advisor and music teacher at 333-7316 x5225.

Reminder: “Little Shop of Horrors” – March 26 – 28

Students in the Wheatley Theater Company are in the last weeks of rehearsal for their presentation of “Little Shop of Horrors.”  

Performances will take place on Thursday, March 26, Friday, March 27 and Saturday, March 28 at 7:30 P.m. with a Saturday, March 28 matinee at 2:00 p.m..  

Tickets are on sale on the website at www.ewsdonline.org > go to left navigation bar and hover over Wheatley Theater Company.  The tickets are $10 and free for our senior citizens.  If you would like to place an ad in the program, go to the website and follow the directions above for tickets, however, click on program ads.

Congratulations and Commendations

Wheatley Mock Trial Team Advances to the Elite Eight

The Wheatley Mock Trial team advanced to the next round of the New York State bar Association Mock Trial Competition after achieving victory over Kellenberg Memorial High School.  

During this week’s competition, student attorney Courtney Schwartz achieved nine sustained objections in a row, a Wheatley record!

The team’s next ‘trial’ will be held on Wednesday, March 18 at the New York State Supreme Court, Nassau County, in Mineola.  Congratulations to the team and advisors Dr. John Staudt and Bob Bernstein and good luck.

 New York State DECA Competition 

Congratulations to DECA club members Joseph Dinetz, Joshua Jacobs and Justin Spar who competed in Rochester at the NYS DECA Competition.  

The team competed extremely well in their first State Competition.  

Special congratulations to Wheatley senior Joshua Jacobs who placed in the top 10 in the Marketing Principles category.  Thank you to Wheatley business teacher and DECA advisor Kristen malic, who led the group to Rochester. 

Eighth Grade MathCounts Team Shines

Last month, Wheatley’s eighth grade MathCounts team competed at Hofstra University at the annual MathCounts Competition against 18 competing Nassau County schools.  

Our team, comprised of Olalekan Oshodi, Manan Shukla, Vedant Singh, Kenton Wu and Brandon Zhu, finished in fourth place.


Special congratulations to Brandon Zhu who finished first overall and to Vedant Singh who finished third. The overall score includes four competitions: the Sprint Round (30 questions to complete in 40 minutes); the Target Round (8 questions distributed in pairs – students have 6 minutes to complete each pair of math problems); the Team Round (10 problems to work out as a team in 20 minutes); and the Countdown Round (the top 10 individuals compete head-to-head in a spelling bee fashion).

In a special moment, during the Countdown Round, Brandon and Vedant were the last two competitors remaining. In this face-off of Wheatley mathematical minds, Vedant edged out Brandon for first place in this Countdown Round. 

Congratulations to the whole team and Wheatley math teacher and eighth grade MathCounts coach Robert Gadamowitz.

Another Geography Bee Champ To Compete At State Championship

Last week I told you about our eighth grade champion. Today join me in congratulating seventh grader Rahul Ajmera, our Willets Road Geography Bee Champ, who has also been invited to compete at the New York State National Geography Bee on March 27 at the New York State Museum in Albany.  

Rahul’s invite to the state bee comes as a result of his being the Willets Road champion and his high score on a written test provided by the National Geography Bee competition.  Congratulations and good luck Rahul!

Willets Road Science Olympiad

On Saturday, March 7, students on the Grade 6-8 Science Olympiad team competed in the Western Long Island Regional Competition against 40 other teams at Wisdom Lane Middle School in Levittown.  

Our students earned the team’s highest-ever finish in its four year history, with competitors earning a top-10 spot in over half of the events in which they participated.  

Special congratulations to our medalists, who earned a top-6 finish in their respective events: sixth grader Sarah Hassan and seventh grader Rahul Ajmera for the “Can’t Judge a Powder” Chemistry event, sixth grader Victor Li and seventh grader Karen Li for the “Invasive Species” Environmental Science event, and eighth graders Karan Amin and Vedant Singh for the “Bio-Process Lab” Biology event.  

Other top-10 event finishes included performances in the engineering events “Bridge Building,” “Robocross,” and “Simple Machines,  the Biology events  “A is for Anatomy” and “Entomology, the Forensic Science event “Crimebusters,” the Earth Science event “Meterology,” and the map-based event “Road Scholar.” Congratulations to our team, who, since October, prepared for this competition, working diligently and collaboratively during after-school meetings under the guidance of Willets Road science teacher and Science Olympiad coach Matthew Gottlieb. This tremendous effort involved the following students: sixth graders: Manav Bansal, Anya Chabria, Sarah Hassan, Ubaidullah Hassan, Victor Li and Neil Shah; seventh graders: Rahul Ajmera, Kavina Amin, Kaya Amin, Alyssa Belle, Patrick Brady, Kelvin Lee, Rachel Lee, Karen Li, Natalia Potrapeluk, Madison Ramos, Rebecca Sparacio, Alexander Tu, Alia Yamin, Aaron Zachariah, Brenda Zhong and Sharon Zhong; and eighth graders: Khavi Ahmed, Karan Amin, Manan Shukla, Vedant Singh, Caleb Varghese and Brandon Zhu.  Special thanks to Mr. Gottlieb and a special thank you to Wheatley science research teacher and Wheatley Science Olympiad coach Mary Alexis Blondrage for her support at Saturday’s event.  

Have a Good Weekend

As always, please email me at kanase@ewsdonline.org or call me at 333-3758 with any questions, suggestions and/or any topics you would like to see in this newsletter.

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