On Sunday, March 15 the Great Neck Park District’s three synchronized skating teams competed in the Basic Skills Competition at The Rinx in Hauppauge.
This was the last competition of the season. The Ice Pops (ages 6-8) and the Icettes (ages 10-12) completed their season with two first place finishes. The Icicles (ages 8-10) finished their season in second place. Head Coach Audra Smith could not be more proud.
“I am thrilled with how well the Ice Pops, Icicles, and Icettes performed.” she said. “This was a great way to end a season.”
Assistant coaches Claudia Sersanti, Carole Liotti and Tracey Dolan are equally delighted with each team’s accomplishments and concur that their hard work has paid off. They are excited to see what next season will bring.
This was the first year that Great Neck Synchronized Skating had a total of three teams with thirty-three skaters. All three teams have traveled and competed together this season.
Team Manager Carole Liotti feels fortunate to have been able to be part of the team’s success this year.
“It was the first season for many of these skaters,” Liotti said. “I enjoy nothing more than seeing the positive impact that synchronized skating has made on each individual skater. Synchronized skating has taught skaters to learn to work together in a team environment.”