Our Views: How dumb can you get?

Our Views: How dumb can you get?

If you are going to say something really stupid, it’s even more stupid to say it in an e-mail. 

That’s a lesson that former Mineola School Board Vice President Terence Hale has learned the hard way.

To date we have not heard a plausible explanation why Hale made what have been fairly called “idiotic” statements about a fourth grader at the Jackson Avenue School who was choking on a carrot and the heroic classmate who saved him while the adults in the cafeteria reportedly stood helpless.

According the mother of the boy who was choking, “His lips turned blue, his face turned purple. There was no air. There is nothing to joke about,” Laurain Jones said of the incident. “Yet someone jokes about Nicholas getting the key to the village. Maybe he should get the key to the village.”

That is precisely what Hale is accused of doing and why he ultimately turned in his resignation. Before Hale stepped down, Trustee Irene Parrino sent copies of truly incredible e-mails which she said Hale sent to board members. 

She characterized the e-mails as “derogatory” and “demeaning” and asked the state commissioner of education to remove Hale from the board for misconduct

We’ll be honest. Before we read the contents of the e-mails, we wondered what Hale said that could cause such uproar. After reading them we wondered why his friends on the board weren’t also shocked.

Here’s an excerpt from Hale wrote about the choking incident: “What about the hiney lick maneuver? Everyone should know that…It seems a fruit basket is not a thoughtful condolence gift…Perhaps a vegetable tray…Everything diced and julienned…okay no carrots…turnips ok?…As far as an adult not being there…They didn’t see it happen…however plenty of recognition was given to the boys…Perhaps a Key to the Village…”

To be fair, Hale apologized to the boy’s father after handing in his resignation. Still it troubles us that a person involved in running our schools would send such comments in an e-mail.

We have heard that one cafeteria worker actually reprimanded Nicholas after he tried to help his friend. Cafeteria aides should be trained in performing the Heimlich Maneuver. 

When a child is choking, there is no time to call 911.

We applaud the brave young boy who jumped into action when the rest of his classmates and even the adults watched in shock. 

He is a hero, the really stupid e-mail of a former board member notwithstanding.

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