In last week’s edition, we ran a story about three projects from Manhasset High School honored at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair earlier this month in Phoenix, Ariz. It’s not the first time this has happened.
Two project groups were recognized as winners in the Environmental Management and Environmental Sciences categories of the competition and all three were honored by Sigma Xi, an international honor society.
“For Manhasset, it was another great showing,” science research advisor Peter Guastella said. “We were very proud and honored to have done so well there. The competition receives more than 1,600 projects and all three of ours were recognized by Sigma Xi, which doesn’t give awards to everybody.”
We congratulate the students involved in this competition, their teachers and advisors. We are reminded once again that residents of Manhasset are fortunate to have an outstanding public school system. We hope those trying to nickel-and-dime that system to death will take note.