Sometimes you feel you can do something about things, sometimes you don’t. In this first part, I feel I can. In the last issue of the Williston Times, Friday, Aug. 16, on page four is the article “Mineola settles tax certioria claims.”Â
The 23rd paragraph of this article, not related to the title subject and out of the blue states, “The village board authorized the hiring of the engineering firm of Dvirka & Bartilucci for installation of an emergency generator at Village Hall. Rini said the generator would cost an estimated $350,000 with engineering services not to exceed $37,000. He said the money for the generator would come from community development funds.” Next paragraph-change of subject.
I am going to present a different picture of this matter.Â
Anyone who wishes to do so may go on the internet, type in, “shop emergency standby generators at Lowe’s,” click search and a Web page of this same title should appear. Click on it. There will be shown many top of the line generators. At the top of the list, a Centurion 60,000 watt for $15,799.00. All the generators shown use LP (propane) or natural gas and have automobile engines-water cooled.
60,000 watts (60 kilowatts) is much larger than necessary. Way down the list is a Kohler 16,000 (16 kilowatts) generator for $5,000 that should more than do the job being that it is only for emergency and only for village hall.Â
Here is how it could be sufficient. A coffee maker, refrigerator, window AC and a microwave running together would be averaging about a kilowatt each. That would leave 12 kilowatts. Computers and associated electronics don’t use much as is also the case with energy saving light bulbs. That should leave about 10 kilowatts available. For what?
These generators have an interface that detects the grid going off and start up within 10 seconds. If the grid comes back on, it is sensed and the generator shuts off. If the grid is off, there has to be an automatic disconnect of the grid between the main circuit breaker and the individual circuit breakers in the building panel to keep the generator from feeding current into the grid which would overload the generator. A fail safe device would be a circuit breaker on the generator which would also shut it down.Â
Having the grid disconnect device positioned as said would not require LIPA involvement in the installation. I am sure that all of the protective measures I have thought of in the past few hours such as the engine overheating or losing oil pressure have been managed by the manufacturer.Â
An engineering firm is out of the question. This one calls for a qualified electrician who runs the wires from the circuit breaker panel to the outdoor connection plus the other matters which probably would have the manufacturer’s instructions. As shown in the pictures, the generators are mounted on a slab of cement.
Anyone may see for themselves what I have said and reach their own conclusions.Â
Either the Mineola officials are in complete ignorance about this matter or there is seen big bucks going into some pockets. It seems that all organizations have what can be considered slush funds.Â
The school district has theirs, it was said that New York City Hall had a big one of $1 million for buying little these and thats. It is still, however, public money.
Now, what I or we can’t do anything about is what is happening especially in Egypt, Syria and Iraq and it is tragic as we see it. It has happened many times in other places such as Ireland between Protestants and Catholics and there is much of like tension here in the U.S.
Down through history are many instances. It is a kind of frenzy and reason is not present.Â
Separation of church and state is a profound principle. The cause of these things is deeper than we are able to fathom.Â
There are mysteries in the universe we know nothing about.
Charles Samek