Readers Write: Peter King a joker in eyeing presidential bid

Readers Write: Peter King a joker in eyeing presidential bid

I was surprised you missed the potential Peter King for president trial balloon. It is pure fantasy. 

Like the cowardly lion from the land of Oz, Long Island’s own last Republican Congress member Peter King lacked the courage to challenge Democratic senators Charles Schumer in 2004 and 2010, Hillary Clinton in 2006 and Kristen Gillibrand in 2010 and 2012. 

If King could not summon the courage to run statewide, what makes anyone believe he could possibly be a credible nationwide candidate for president in 2016? 

During his term in Congress from 1993 to today, federal debt increased from $4.3 billion to $16.6 billion dollars. This is nothing to be proud of. President Peter King only exists in his dreams.

Larry Penner

Great Neck

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