Teens at train station

Teens at train station

Recently, the Williston Times featured an article about fights between Mineola and Wheatley kids at the train station.

In the past few weeks, teenagers have been kicked out of the train station on grounds of loitering.

Adults reading the paper don’t realize something important. Teenagers do need a place to socialize and congregate. Parents don’t like large groups of kids in their homes a lot of the time due to size limitation and other factors. Neighbors don’t like noise. Teenagers sometimes don’t have the money to spend at the pizzeria. But what is a solution you ask?

The train station truly is the perfect spot for teenagers to get together. It’s a public place in an open area, which prevents the teenagers from participating in illegal and dangerous behaviors. It’s wrong for them to be kicked out on grounds of loitering of all things!

There’s not a “No Loitering” sign.

If the teenagers keep fights and issues to a minimum and don’t disrupt train passengers, can’t they just be able to congregate at the train station?

Lauren M. Miceli

East Williston


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