I am writing to express my support for Community Party candidates, Dave Tanner for mayor and Bonnie Parente and Bobby Shannon for village trustees.
All three candidates bring with them a strong dedication to the Village of East Williston as well as the experience and backgrounds that would serve our community well.
Since I often attend village meetings, I can readily attest that Dave Tanner possesses the personal and professional qualities we need to take us forward. He has good leadership skills, is responsive and a good listener. Finally, he has a balanced and reasoned approach which is very effective, especially when dealing with controversial matters.
Dave has been a trustee for 13 years and he has clearly demonstrated his value to the village. He was the genesis of the village master plan and he has worked tirelessly with the other board members to bring the project to fruition. Dave’s background as a financial consultant proved invaluable in securing financing for the project that was beneficial to the village.
Bonnie and Bobby also are very active in the community and possess the skills and dedication we need from our Board members.
I have interacted with Bonnie on the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) and have found her to be effective in maintaining village standards while being responsive to the needs of our residents. She is a labor attorney and HR director with New York Racing Authority. Bonnie is active with the cub scouts and girl scouts and is a member of Saint Aidan’s Parish Council.
Similarly, Bobby is an attorney and a successful business owner as well as president of the Chamber of Commerce of the Willistons. He is also a boy scout den leader and a CYO basketball coach.
In summary, Dave, Bonnie and Bobby have what it takes to guide our community going forward. Clearly, they are dedicated and capable individuals who will promote the best interests of our community and I strongly encourage you to support them on election day, March 15, 2011.
Philip Chappo
East Williston