My name is Julia Cook, and I am in the ninth grade.
For the past year or so, there have been problems with the kids hanging out at the Village Green at night. Although many parents and other citizens of East Williston and Williston Park do not approve of the kids hanging out there, they should know how the police officers are handling this situation.
This may not be the biggest problem our town has, but people should know what is happening when they see children hanging out at the village green. Police would emerge at approximately 6 p.m.
These officers have been scaring the teens immediately after they make eye contact.
Many teenagers report that once a police officer spots you, he or she asks for their numbers, name, parents name, where they live, and why are they hanging out so late.
Ninety-nine percent of the time, kids are not even doing anything wrong. The police are just assuming that they are up to no good because they are kids.
I heard from several people that cops threatened by them saying things such as, “If I see you here again you are going straight to a juvenile facility” and other serious threats.
What some people may not understand is that police are taking advantage of the children’s youth, and then thinking they could get away with saying such ridiculous things.
The police officers are taking this way out of hand and they think they are doing a good job by scaring innocent kids away. Lately kids have not been hanging out in town simply because they are terrified of the police.
In conclusion, I think the police should introduce themselves and say what they expect of the kids, rather than frightening them.
Another way to address this problem is sending a letter out to the citizens saying what they expect the kids not to do.
Maybe there can be a night at the Village Green for the kids similar to the parties the adults have at the Village Green.
There are many solutions to this ongoing problem but I think the solutions should come from working with the kids not against them.
If you need to contact me, please reach me at the address below.
Thank you for your time.
Julia Cook
Old Westbury